
1918 South MLK Blvd
Tallahassee, FL 32307
Andrew Chin, Interim Dean, School of Architecture and Engineering Technology
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Locations and Neighborhood Crime
Pursuant to Sec. 381.986, F.S., Florida unlike other states, sole land use restriction is limited to prohibiting MMDs from a 500-foot radius of real property that comprise public and/or private K-12 schools. The project goals were to (1) explore existing MMDs in Tallahassee proximity to areas of crime concentrated within certain lower socio-economic communities, as well as (2) investigate accessibility to MMDs.
The subjects in this study were 10 Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (MMDs) as well as Tallahassee/Leon GISD Staff
The study involved a two-phase descriptive approach using (1) Tallahassee-Leon County's Geographical Information System Department (TLC GIS) to identify the locations of MMDs and their proximity to crime; and (2) to investigate accessibility to existing MMDs using public transportation.
Findings and Implications
Finding reveals there is no relationship between the locations of MMDs and crime. Additional findings revealed a need for formal deliberation on where to locate future MMDs as related to local residents who rely on public transportation to ensure equal access.
Findings did not support a relationship between existing MMDs locations in Tallahassee and
areas of crime, but they did reveal that future locations need to be deliberated in regard to the
critical issue of equable access.
Impact on MMERI
MMERI may wish to use findings to educate statewide shareholders about equity on MMDs locations and accessibility.