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Research Archive

As a research institution, FAMU offers a vast platform and a cadre of researchers to study and understand the science and the impact of medical marijuana from diverse perspectives.

Our Grantees

& Evidence-Based Studies

Behnam Shadravan, Ph.D.

An Investigation on Marijuana Consumption in the Construction Industry in Florida

Andrew Chin

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Locations and Neighborhood Crime

John Luque, Ph.D., MPH

Mixed Methods Study of Medical Marijuana Use Among Minority Patients

Askal Ali, Ph.D.

Knowledge and Perception of Pediatric Patient Caregivers on Medical Marijuana

Arie Christon

An Analysis of the Marijuana Wellness Intervention on Community, Coping, Substance-Awareness, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation Enhancement via Education (Marijuana WICSE) Project

Novell Tani, Ph.D.

An Analysis of the Marijuana Wellness Intervention on Community, Coping, Substance-Awareness, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation Enhancement via Education (Marijuana WICSE) Project

Huijin Li, Ph.D.

Marijuana, Mental Health, and FAMU

Marisa Lewis, Pharm.D., MPH

Assessing the Knowledge and Perceptions of Community Members Specific to the Compassionate Use of Marijuana

Lon'Tejuana Cooper, Ph.D.

Assessing the Knowledge and Perceptions of Community Members Specific to the Compassionate Use of Marijuana

Gwendolyn Singleton, Ph.D.

To What Extent Do Mental Health and Psychosocial Factors Predict Risk for Misuse and Neuropsychological Impairment in African American Marijuana Users?